This course will cover basic firearm safety, legal methods of firearm transportation care and cleaning of handguns, threat management, and Wisconsin self defense law.
All you need for class is a photo I.D., and notebooks are suggested. Please do not bring firearms or ammunition to class. The opportunity for range time and personal instruction will be offered.
Please use your full name as it appears on your drivers license when signing up! Course length is approximately 4 hours. Limited seating is available so sign up today!
Class will be held at Fat Cats Bar at 104 Broad St., Lake Geneva, WI 53147 from 8am to Noon on Saturday, October 5th, 2024. Doors open at 7:45am.
Russ Richards is an NRA certified instructor in 9 disciplines. He is also an NRA certified chief Range Safety Officer, a GLOCK certified instructor, a USCCA certified instructor, T-MACS certified istructor, NRA distinguished expert pistol shooter,and IDPA competitor.
Russ has attended and passed DEFENSE TRAINING INTERNATIONAL's advanced defensive pistol course, the Massad Ayoob Group - armed citizens rules of engagement along with the MAG-20 RANGE COURSE. He is FEMA-trained in active shooter response. He is a life long shooter and accomplished big game hunter. Russ is certified to teach ILLINOIS, UTAH, WISCONSIN, FLORIDA AND MINNESOTA CONCEALED CARRY TRAINING.
He is passionate about firearm safety and believes every gun owner owes it to themselves and their community to be safe and proficient with their firearms. The SENTINEL FIREAMS TRAINING LLC MISSION is to help you acheive this goal.
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